We are Wednesday


Founded by Daniela Negrín Ochoa and Iria López.


Working with different people on the way from college to internships to working in a studio environment

el macho El Macho

MAs in animation direction. Started working together in college, worked together with students from different departments. Woo free work!

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London International Animation Festival


More free work! Have a website. Write a decent email.


Is a mess.

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This video for Unesco + Always video was one of their first jobs.

Pitching is a part of the process (aka free work)

Keep in touch with people

Work leads to more work, recommend people and they will recommend you at some point.

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The Invention of the Tile windows phone ad.

Got her first directing job with Microsoft, wasn't paid well but #exposure and led to being represented by Anchor Point.

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Nesta Systems Innovation

This writing is hillarious

Led to more work: Nesta Develop your Skills

Collaboration as Freelancers

Still had to do work in between directing jobs, did animation work for other directors. Forces you to adopt someone else's style, work to their ideas. Deal with bad feedback, helped them give better feedback to freelancers they work with.

Formed Wednesday, got representation as a collective from Anchor Point.

Hi-Tech corporate video


Do things differently than other collectives, we just tend to split the work. No super defined roles

  1. Bounce ideas off each other. Get a different perspective, take ideas to places you wouldn't have taken it yourself
  2. Communicaton. Develop a language to communicate ideas, storyboards etc.

Also good to colloaborate on self-initiated work. Gives you stuff for your portfolio that will give you more of the kinf of work you want to do

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July animation

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School of Life animation on "cultural mining". Worked with illustrator Danial Clarke

Collaboration with others as a studio

Working with a studio in the US: Time difference can be a problem, but also a good thing because they can give feedback whlie you're asleep.

huffpo gifs

Gifs for Huffington Post (For this article)

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Thoughtful gifts give back (Ebay)

anchor point animation


  1. sketches (thumbnails)
  2. storyboards, more details
  3. Animatic, colours, temp sound etc. (this is where shots etc needs to be finalised)
  4. Shot list, split up the worke
  5. Flash for rough animmations, photoshop, after effects for compositing


Do you ever turn down jobs / For what reason would you turn down a job?

We wouldn't work for Donald Trump obviously. We do turn down work if there isn't enough budget or time to make work we'd be happy with. We also turn down potentialy well-paid work because it would take too much time and not produce a portfolio piece, eg. boring corporate work.

Your work seems to be very much about your voice. What work is there left to do for the interns you take on?

We look at their work and see what they could do that would be helpful, try to bring them into the process as much as we can. Don't put work you don't like in your portfolio because people will keep asking you to do that same kind of work.

You've mentioned doing free work quite a few times. Either in the context of an internship, doing projects with no budget or doing unpaid pitches. Do you think that's something that should change in the industry?

Shorter internships are usually unpaid, but they don't expect you to do that much work so I wouldn't worry about it too much. With longer internships you do get paid. We do think unpaid pitches are a problem, especially because clients seem to want more and more finished work done upfront. This puts smaller agencys like us at a disadvantage because we can't invest time and effort into these pitches in the way bigger agencys can. So we do think that is something that should change.

Also rumor has it there are paid picthes but we've never seen one.