ARC: The Dirty Issue

Arc magazine screenshot

Website for the online relaunch of ARC Magazine, produced by the writing programme at the Royal College of Art. The editors write:

ARC: THE DIRTY ISSUE be­gan as a com­mit­ment to grap­pling with the things you may nor­mally retch at — or pre­fer to ig­nore en­tirely. Dirty is that squirm in the back of your brain that keeps you up at night, twist­ing your tongue. Dirty is the pru­dent analysand on the couch drink­ing tea whilst mas­tur­bat­ing over un­re­solved is­sues.

The site is built in Eleventy and hosted on Netlify.

It's Set in Swiss Works by Ian Party, Arial Regular by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunder, and ARC Regular (a modified version of Times) by William Jacobson. Art direction by Maya Guileva and William Jacobson, design and code by me.

View the live site at