BaMa 21

Online exhibition website for the 2021 graphic design cohort (BA and MA) at HS Mainz.

Browser screenshot showing degree show website

Design notes

The central piece of ornamentation on the site are these animated lines meant to evoke a curtain flowing in the breeze (the title of the show – Lüften – roughly translates to letting in fresh air). I modelled these as follows:

This recipe produces a design space with a huge number of variables. I tend to think the way to get a handle on a space like this is to build tooling to explore it so I did. If you hit T on your keyboard, you'll see the little control window I used to find the set of parameters that produce the right effect.

Browser screenshot showing control panel overlaid on website

I also built a page to produce printed labels for the show. The labels are generated from the same markdown files as the rest of the site, so the two should always be in sync. I got the idea from this from MoMa's wall label generator. 1

The typeface is BW Modelica, by Alberto Romanos/Branding with Type.

Design by Thea Arndt, Lina Becker and Melanie Abaron. Supervised by Mareike Knevels, Marie-Theres Birk, Lilly Gothe and me, development by me.

Tech notes

The site is built with Eleventy and Netlify CMS. I set up a staging environment on Netlify (the hosting platform) so Netlify (the CMS) would work with minimal setup. We used that to collect everyone's information, and on launch day I just ran the build on my own machine and FTP'd the result up to our production server. There was probably a more elegant way of doing that, but for a site I'm only going to deploy a handful of times, I don't really mind.

This is probably the most accessible degree show site I've built. It's fully keyboard accessible, we respect prefers-reduced-motion, and we wrote real alt text for all ~250 images on the site. Lighthouse scores it 100/100 for accessibillity.

View the live site at, and if you happen to be in Mainz, Germany, between 6th and 16th July, get tickets to see the show at

  1. I couldn’t find any technical information about the MoMa label generator, but my sense is it works similar to mine - you get the information from some centralised database, typeset it with HTML and CSS, and print it right from the browser. Rob Giampietro has a great long post about the MoMa redesign, including a section about the labels about halfway in. ↩︎